Why Mindfulness is a Super Power
Mindfulness is simply being aware of how our actions impact others. Article by Tom Bostrom.
Mindfulness is a Super Power
The recent past has shown us that things can change fast, drastically, and sometimes forever.
We do what we can to adapt, even as the situation is constantly shifting. There appears to be a “new normal” around every corner.
It is no wonder so many of us are riddled with anxiety, depression, and doubt. We hear different things daily from various “experts,” rely on our elected officials to plan courses of action, and try to live our lives with some sense of normalcy. It is tough, trying, and tense. Some people are coping while others are crumbling.
But I promise — this isn’t a doom and gloom piece — quite the opposite in fact —
One way to deal with this ongoing crisis is to look inward. Not for a cure, but for clarity. We can tune out the noise and focus on finding peace from within. Meditating is a positive practice designed to help us do just that, bringing us to a stable state where we can calm down and carry on. It is deeply rooting in the psychology of present moment awareness.
What is meditation? As the Mayo Clinic explains, “Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation originally was meant to deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. These days, meditation is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction.
You can:
Change your perspective
If you have never meditated before, don’t be daunted by the idea of it. There is no one “right” way to do it, as long as you find focus and get in touch with your emotions.
Now, this is a more “traditional route” — you can simply sit still in a dim room, light some candles, shut your eyes, and breathe in and out deeply and purposefully. If you need some direction or guidance on how to get started, consider tuning into a YouTube tutorial on meditation. Another solid way to dive deeper into mindfulness meditation is to participate in breathworks. Which is a guided meditation that prioritizes breathing techniques, inward focus, and present moment awareness. Above Water Adventures utilizes breathworks as part of their Orange County recreational curriculum to help facilitate breakthroughs, and move past barriers.
Free Your Mind
Meditating is a real relief during this pandemic. It takes your mind off the “what if?” and “what now?” Even if you only have a short window to practice meditation, these few precious moments can change your whole perspective. You will have a refreshed and refocused frame of mind, less tension throughout your body, and a self-administered “time out” from the endless (and often contradictory) television news cycle and COVID-related conversations.
The Perks Of Practicing Meditation
Healthline lists some of the benefits of meditation. It reduces stress, controls anxiety, promotes emotional health, enhances self-awareness, can generate kindness, improves sleep, decreases blood pressure, and helps control pain, among other positives. All of these perks are welcome during this pandemic, as we are on high alert and feel helpless.
Make it your mission to set aside some time each day, or at least a few times per week to meditate. Do it first thing in the morning, before bedtime, or whenever you have time to sit still and be silent. There’s nothing formal you need to do, just find your focus and forget the fear.
Keep At It
Of course, COVID is not the only stressor we have, but for most of us these days, it’s top of mind. Use the practice of meditation to deal with the stress and anxiety that stems from other issues that affect your life too. Add more meditation time to your sessions when you are feeling particularly on edge or out of control. Consider it part of your self-care regimen. Taking care of yourself must be a priority.
Start Now
Here at Above Water we know the importance of taking care of our mind and body, it’s the only way we can be of maximum use to ourselves and others. As we mentioned before, meditation looks different for everybody. Some do well in the traditional sphere mentioned earlier. Others prefer a moving meditation, such as yoga, where the objective is to link body and breath. Others find their solace in nature, whether that’s near a lake, in the ocean, or in the desert — often the awe of our natural wonders allows us to find that present moment. Whatever your jam, utilize this unprecedented opportunity to try and maintain a positive perspective, because if you’re reading this, and you’ve got your health, loved ones, and a roof over your head — you’re already killing it.
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