How to Stay "High" in Recovery
Shifting your energy is a huge component of substance abuse recovery.
Substance Abuse Recovery Activities
5 incredibly effective ways to increase dopamine & serotonin levels — and start living a happier life in recovery
Substances activate the chemical reward system of the brain. So does gambling . They drastically alter dopamine & serotonin levels. “Over-rewarding” causes an imbalance. As a result your body is less capable of producing these chemicals naturally (at least initially). In early recovery, this period can feel like an eternity!
It also leads to:
I’m here to tell you, there's a way to start correcting the imbalance, it’s straightforward, and you can start now. First things first: what’s serotonin? What’s Dopamine? (More importantly) — How do they affect the way we think and feel?
Serotonin works as a neurotransmitter. It acts as a chemical pathway that relays signals throughout the brain. Serotonin is manufactured in the brain — however, nearly 90% of our serotonin reserve is found in blood platelets and in our digestive tract (more on diet later). The brain consists of around forty-million brain cells, many of these are influenced by serotonin. Serotonin is believed to influence a variety of physiological & psychological functions.
Sexual desire & function
Temperature regulation
Memory & learning
Social behavior
Similarly, dopamine is a neurotransmitter. Our nervous system uses it as a chemical messenger to transmit messages between nerve cells throughout the body. Dopamine plays a major role in how we feel pleasure. Actions that trigger significant releases of dopamine cause us to repeat that behavior.
Drugs, for instance, cause the body to release large amounts of dopamine, eliciting the pleasure-reward cycle that proves detrimental to addicts.
Dopamine can have significant effect on:
Pain processing
How can you raise these levels, and start honing in on that natural high?
It’s simple really.
Ram Dass said it best. Stay in the present.
Regular exercise
Ever heard of runners high? Surf stoke? Yoga wasted? They’re real. Promise. I have personally experienced each one, and they produce an eerily similar experience to substances — with one caveat — zero negative consequence.
The trick is to find an activity that is both fun, and gets your blood flowing. It will allow those chemical messengers to start firing in the right direction.
One good way to go about this is to find a form of adventure therapy where you can find like-minded individuals who are looking for fun, challenging, and social activities to help awaken the spirit. Luckily for us, this is our jam. We love teaching surf lessons in Huntington Beach. We’re also keen on taking hiking trips in Orange County — both activities serve as a great way to get outside, have fun, and enjoy recovery!
Balanced diet
We are what we eat. You’ve heard it before, and guess what…
It’s true.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve got to count macros… but bravo if you do!
It simply means that eating a variety of whole foods, lots of fruits & veggies, and an adequate amount of water can go a long way to increasing your dopamine & serotonin levels, and by-and-large improve your mindset.
Exposure to sunlight
Exposure to the sun affects our moods. Too little exposure can cause a decrease in mood-boosting neurotransmitters. One study found that those who received the most sunlight exposure in the previous 30 days had the highest density of dopamine receptors in the reward regions of their brains.
The sun also possesses potentially harmful UV rays during prolonged exposure. A little goes a long way. Be safe out there folks.
Meditation, or mindfulness practices include focusing inward & on the breath. Pranayama is the yogic tradition of controlling the breath. These practices allow us to maintain a positive mood and perspective.
There are tons of ways for beginners to start dialing in their practice. Getting involved with breathworks is a solid way to start! We incorporate breathworks into the curriculum we set up for Southern California treatment centers, as part of a holistic approach to recovery.
Music has been a source of solace for humans since the dawn of time. From classical to contemporary, jazz to hip-hop, country to soul — music makes us feel. Studies have shown a 9% increase in dopamine levels when people listened to instrumental songs.
We can improve our mood & overall well-being by listening to music that makes us happy, and seeing live music that gives us chills. Some of you may know our very own Nate Lawler was a professional musician, touring all over the world! So he knows a thing or two about the healing power of sound.
The bottom line
None of these are quick fixes.
That’s the point.
Implementing these practices into your life can balance your out-of-whack neurotransmitters…
Literally reconstructing your brain to feel consistently elated, naturally high — capable of achieving everything you were meant to in this life...
That’s also the point.
here is a helpful meditation resource if you’re looking for an easy starting point —
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